
This case study was developed during my study in the Google Professional UX Design Certificate. The aim of this app was to develop an inclusive and accessible platform that enables all users to discover and book enjoyable exhibitions and art galleries tailored to their preferences and interests, while also enhancing their learning experience during the event.

  • For you section uses larger scale images for emphasis.
  • Gestalt Principle: Common Region
  • Typeface: Varela Round
  • Header: 24px
  • Sub header/CTA: 17px
  • Text: 12px
60-30-10 Colour Rule
#FFFFFF (60%)
#CEE1F2 (30%)
#36A0FF (10%)
#000000 (text)
Art Sense App - Home
Art Sense App - Event Page
  • Back, save/like, share buttons use the accent colour.
  • Centred CTA buttons for ease of use.
  • Using scale for emphasis.

The project is a work in progress, and I will continuously update this page as I refine and enhance my designs. Below, you will find some of my case study slides, along with links to my low-fidelity and high-fidelity prototypes. To view the complete study, please click the link at the bottom of the page.

Product Development Life Cycle

UX Product Life Cycle


The idea for this app was developed based on interviews and secondary research, including data from the UK Government website. This research highlighted a significant lack of engagement and interest in museums and galleries among young people and individuals from deprived areas.

User Research SummaryUser Research SummaryUser Journey MapGoal Statement


Paper WireframeLo-Fi Prototype


Accessibility Considerations


Hi-Fi Prototype